Sources of Modern Law (Основы современного права)

Гуманитарные науки

 1. Read the following words and expressions (Прочтите следующие слова и выражения)

particular, social upheaval, specific performance, continuity, strongly influenced, statutes (government legislation), the essential elements, social value, the doctrine of precedent equity.

2.Try to read the tongue– twisters as fast as you can (Постарайтесь прочитать данные скороговорки — так быстро, как вы можете)

a) He threw three free throws.

b) A fitful young fisher named Gabriel Fisher.

Once fished for some fish in a fissure,

Till a fish with a grin

Pulled the fisherman in–

Now they are fishing the fissure for Fisher.

3. Read and translate the text (Прочитайте и переведите текст). Помните, что юридический перевод не терпит дословной интерпретации.


4.Give Russian equivalents for: (Дайте русские эквиваленты к следующим словам)

innocence, upheaval, to codify, specific performance, common law, statute, to interrupt, continental (Roman) law, to originate, to adopt, a civil dispute, Commonwealth countries, a doctrine of precedent, legislation, to prevail, a criminal case, guilt, the case law system (common law), enormous, to retain, continuity, to clarify, to revise, rapid, damage, lord chancellor, throughout, to unify, to concern to, particular, to dissatisfy, legal, to influence, to invade, equity, authority, merely, to modify, an attempt.

5. Answer the questions (Ответьте на вопросы)

What is a particular legal system closely connected with? Why?

What core subjects do lawyers study?

What is the legal background of Britain /Japan?

How could you classify the sources of law in each country?

Has English law developed from fixed general rules or through decisions in individual cases?

How many main traditions of law are there in the world?

What are main traditions based on?

Is custom important as a source of law(1) in the history of law?(2) in England today?

Which countries accepted English Common Law?

Which countries has Continental (Roman) Law developed in?

Are codes of law popular in Continental countries?

What differences of Common law are there in Britain and in the USA?

What are the differences between Continental law and Common law?

Is most Continental law generally written or unwritten?

What role do judges play?

What was the law before William of Normandy invaded England?

What actions of judges are there according the doctrine of precedent?

Is the development of judicial precedent based on general principles of justice?

Could you name a central feature of modern common law systems?

What are statutes?

Where is the law found in common law systems?

What is another important feature of the common law?

What is the historical background of equity?

What were the problems resulting from this existence of two systems of justice?

When were the two systems unified?

Did the merging of the systems make the job of a lawyer easier? How?

6. Topics for discussion (Темы для обсуждения)

1. The Principal Sources.

2. The Subsidiary Sources.

3. The Features of Continental (Roman) Law.

7.Choose one of the following topics and write a composition (150-200 words). (Выберите одну из следующих тем и напишите сочинение размером в 150-200 слов.

«No man is above the law and all are equal before the law»

Common Law systems.

8. Learn the following words and expressions (Выучите следующие слова и выражения)

innocence – постоянство

to codify – принимать

upheaval – попытка, покушение

statute – власть

specific performance – общее право

common law – гражданский спор

to interrupt – вносить ясность

to adopt – кодифицировать

civil dispute – общее право

continental (Roman) law – страны содружества

to originate – относиться к

Commonwealth countries – континентальное (Романское) право

doctrine of precedent – уголовное дело

legislation – вред

to prevail – вызывать недовольство

criminal case – доктрина прецедента

guilt – огромный

case law system (common law) – право справедливости

enormous – виновный

to retain – влиять

continuity – невиновность

to clarify – вторгаться

to revise – завоевывать

rapid – юридический

damage – законодательство

lord chancellor – лорд–канцлер

throughout – только

to unify – видоизменять, смягчать

to concern to – давать начало, порождать, создавать

particular – особый, особенный

to dissatisfy – достигать цели

legal – быстрый

to influence – приглашать, нанимать (адвоката)

to invade – повторять

equity – особое исполнение, выполнение

authority – статут

merely – повсюду

to modify – объединять, унифицировать

attempt – переворот, сдвиг


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